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BI-110: Bible Study Methods: Syllabus & Books

Library resources for BI-110: Bible Study Methods & Tools

Syllabus and Notes

Required Reading

Library Catalogue


WorldCat - A product of the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC), “WorldCat connects you to the collections and services of more than 10,000 libraries worldwide.”


Google Books

Google Book Search

Suggested Reading

Subject Headings

Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) for Bible study. Below are links to the LCSH records, which show broader, narrower, and related terms to to help you with your searches. To find books in the Brookes Bible College Library catalogue, click on Subject and type the LCSH in Find results with the exact phrase (if you are searching one term) or in Find results with all of the words (if you are searching more than one term).

Bible--Study and teaching 



Bible--Criticism, interpretation, etc.

For specific parts of the Bible, search with “Bible” followed by the specific book or section you’re looking for. For example,

Bible. Epistles of Paul

Bible. Apocrypha

Brookes Bible College exists to provide Biblical education to develop servant leaders who will transform the world for Christ.