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BI-110: Bible Study Methods: Find Reference Literature

Library resources for BI-110: Bible Study Methods & Tools

Featured Encyclopedia: Bible Odyssey

Online Reference Tools for Bible Study

Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Glossaries

CARM (Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry) Dictionary of Theology:  “The Mission of CARM is to defend and promote the Christian faith in all areas of life. The purpose of the site is to equip Christians with the truth, to expose the error of false religious systems, evolution, atheism, secularism, etc., and also to teach apologetics, help Christians defend the faith, and glorify the Lord Jesus.”

Encyclopedia of Religion and Society: “The Encyclopedia of Religion and Society marks a unique venture in that it attempts to bring together in a single-volume compendium a state-of-the-art summary of the insights gained by the principal social sciences of religion: anthropology, psychology, and sociology.”

Featured Reference Books

Best Commentaries combines reviews and ratings from journals, books, and users to create an aggregate ranking for Biblical commentaries.


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Brookes Bible College exists to provide Biblical education to develop servant leaders who will transform the world for Christ.